Upload your files and share them anywhere to start earning money from downloads.
We offer the highest payout rates for each download, allowing you to maximize your digital content's earning potential quickly and easily.
Access live statistics on your earnings and audience, helping you optimize your strategies for better results.
Upload your files quickly and easily on the Dropzy platform, with top-notch security and privacy, ensuring they are available for download anytime users need them.
Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you with any issues via email, chat, and more.
With Dropzy, you don't even have to worry about size limits. Dropzy makes Sending and Receiving Large Files of any size Simple, Fast and Secure.
Upload & get paid in 3 just steps!
The signup process is straightforward and should not take more than 2 minutes.
After signing up. You can use our platform to upload and share any type of content.
Share your files with your friends and followers and start earning from every download, benefiting from various fast and flexible withdrawal options
As long as a file that you've uploaded received downloads in the last 30 days period, it is kept on our servers.
No! As long as you adhere to our policies, you can upload and share any files without any limits whatsoever!
Yes! Dropzy is totally free. By only signing up, you get unlimited storage for free, which you can use to share files, and earn money at the same time!
Payments are sent daily. Make sure to make a request before, if you want to receive your payment sooner. Otherwise, it might be delayed to the following days.
Our system is very precise in counting downloads. In order for a download to be credited to your account, it must follow the following criteria: